
www.mediaman.com.au is a Hitwise Top 10 Award Winner!

Experian Hitwise Online Top 10 Awards Program

9th August 2010

Dear Greg,

Congratulations! Experian Hitwise is pleased to announce that www.mediaman.com.au is an Experian Hitwise Top 10 Award winner for January - June 2010.

During this period, www.mediaman.com.au ranked No. 8 based on market share of visits among all Australian websites in the Hitwise Entertainment - Personalities industry.

The Hitwise Top 10 Award recognises websites from over 165 industries that are leaders in their industry and brings with it the benefit of using the Hitwise Top 10 Award shield (pictured right).

If you would like to display the award shield on your website please click on the image (or this link) and follow the instructions. To ensure that the purpose of the award is clear, display of the shield is permitted on the condition that a hyperlink to its explanation is included.

If you are not the appropriate person to receive this email, please click here to enter the details of the relevant recipient in your company.

Again, congratulations on your award.

Best regards,

Robyn Anderson
Marketing Communications Manager, ANZ

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